The Reviews Are In!
“Somethings Gotta Give” has been making an impression! The track is receiving wonderful reviews from all over, and being added to some notable Spotify playlists – have you added it to yours yet? Find the track on all your favourite streaming platforms!
A Modern Twist that will keep listeners moving to its infectious beats!
…a fresh sound that draws upon his 80s and 90s influences while still offering a contemporary feel. “Something’s Gotta Give” features catchy beats, soulful vocals, and relatable lyrics that showcase Kinga’s musicality and syncopation of lyrics inspired by music icons like George Michael and Prince.
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HONK Magazine
The harmony is solid gold!
...while the beat is a bit pensive and prone to noisy outbursts, and although the chemistry is incendiary, the firestorm of melodic grandeur is perhaps what Kinga fans should expect from his current output.
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Mindy McCall
IndiePulse Music
Kinga brings that nonstop dance beat!
…a club hit, lots of energy, lots of sweat and just the way you would picture a rave back in the 1990’s but with a more modern twist now. This just feels like such a strong dance anthem and we need more of those!
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A pristine pop vocal, with a nostalgic yet timeless edge, and needless to say, we are in awe!
The opus expands into a charming, vibrant and fierce electronica bop as the Canadian artist takes us on an expressive journey with his evocative prose and intentional depth.
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Karl Is My Unkle
Es una presentación exclusiva de Zone Nights para Argentina!
Con su excéntrico estilo, su buena voz, su energía contagiosa y la mejor esencia ochentosa, Kinga, te llevará en un viaje musical que te dejará sin aliento. La canción ofrece mucho movimiento, es poderosa y te hará sentir todo tipo de emociones! Disponible en nuestro playlist DANCE BABY
With his eccentric style, good voice, contagious energy and the best eighties essence, Kinga will take you on a musical journey that will leave you breathless. The song offers a lot of movement, is powerful and will make you feel all kinds of emotions!
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With his eccentric style, good voice, contagious energy and the best eighties essence, Kinga will take you on a musical journey that will leave you breathless. The song offers a lot of movement, is powerful and will make you feel all kinds of emotions!
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Zone Nights (Argentina)
Es un tema entretenido y fácil de escuchar, con un estribillo muy cantable que se queda en tu cabeza durante horas!
En momentos, este tema nos recuerda a otros proyectos como Kyle Minogue y La Roux. Visualmente Kinga, nos presenta un video sencillo, pero con mucho corazón, que nos demuestra, que cuando hay ganas de hacer las cosas, no importa lo demás!
At times, this theme reminds us of other projects like Kyle Minogue and La Roux. Visually, Kinga presents us with a simple video, but with a lot of heart, which shows us that when there is a desire to do things, nothing else matters!
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At times, this theme reminds us of other projects like Kyle Minogue and La Roux. Visually, Kinga presents us with a simple video, but with a lot of heart, which shows us that when there is a desire to do things, nothing else matters!
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Avanzanda (Mexico)
Kinga, sappia trasmettere passione e senzanzioni positive con il minimo impiego di strumentazione!
Un viaggio trascinante ricco di sonorità corpose che si amalgamano con riff più particolari e ricercati, tipici del genere con l’intento a nostro avviso di rendere l’atmosfera fluida per mezzo di synth e suoni campionati che esaltano il sound , lasciando un buon segno sin dalle prime battute così da regalare all’ascoltatore sonorità ricche di dinamica!
An enthralling journey full of full-bodied sounds that blend with more particular and refined riffs, typical of the genre with the intention, in our opinion, to make the atmosphere fluid by means of synths and sampled sounds that enhance the sound, leaving a good sign since from the first bars so as to give the listener sounds rich in dynamics.
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An enthralling journey full of full-bodied sounds that blend with more particular and refined riffs, typical of the genre with the intention, in our opinion, to make the atmosphere fluid by means of synths and sampled sounds that enhance the sound, leaving a good sign since from the first bars so as to give the listener sounds rich in dynamics.
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Sounds Good Webzine (Italy)